Monday, January 30, 2017

Dad's 75th

Today Dad turned 75! We celebrated the event a little early, on Saturday.
Sean made an amazing dinner, consisting of chicken breasts stuffed with smoked cheddar and apples with a side of bacon-roasted Brussels sprouts in cheese.
I contributed the salad, in the sense that I purchased it. Sylvia doled it out.

We've arranged for Dad to enjoy a flight with the Edmonton Flying Club at a time of his choice when the weather is nicer.
Special Bonus! I did not manipulate this image; this is how it came off the SD card. I've never seen an artifact quite like this before. Oddly enough, the RAW file looks normal; it's just the camera-created JPG that came out this way. Bizarre. Anyway, happy 75th, Dad, and here's to many more! 

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