Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Green Glass Lamp

This lamp at Mom and Dad's place is, if memory serves, almost a century old. It still works, though Mom and Dad don't use it often for fear of using up what remains of the wick, which I imagine would be difficult to replace. 


  1. Flat lamp wick available at Home Hardware. We have one too, just not as old. It works well during extended power outages, which we can get during wind storms.

  2. Flat wicks are freely available from any shop in the Wick District in town: Lampliters, Wicks R Us, From Here To Wicketernity, The Wicker Man. Right next door to that Oh No Not The Bees Not The Bees Auuuughhh doesn't ordinarily carry wicks but they will order them in for you. Or Home Hardware.
