Thursday, September 01, 2016

The Citadel Theatre

I shot this on my way to the wedding of my friends Nicole and Jim back in...1994? 1995? There's nothing special about the image, aside from its service as a reminder of some good memories, but I do like the vibrance of the colour and the lone pedestrian. It's too bad the traffic control is in the way. 


  1. Photoshop the traffic post out! It shouldn't be hard, and that's what Photoshop is for. You could even add couple of nicer pedestrians, too.

  2. I should add, the Citadel always makes me think of where you need to go in Edmonton to get out of winter quick and have your 1980's fix at the same time. I don't know if they've ever remodelled, but the foyer is so aggressively late-disco, it makes me want to dig out my Eurythmics albums. Now that I think of it, the interior seems a fair bit like the Town Center Complex in Leaf Rapids (which I only know from photos, if the Complex were filled with tropical greenery and gravid with uncontrolled humidity.

  3. That wedding was in 1997, BTW.

  4. Thanks, Anonymous! Wow, I guess that means Nicole and Jim will be celebrating their 20th anniversary next year...zounds!
