Saturday, January 16, 2016

Super Foul Mouthed

Back when I lived in the Bleak House of Blahs, I had a stand-up cardboard Superman given to me by the folks at comic store Warp One. One day Ron or Allan added a dialogue balloon with an inspirational phrase lettered across it. On another occasion, though, one of them wrote something so indecent and out of character that I was stunned senseless, as captured in this photo. I don't believe you can make out the awful text at this resolution - at least, I hope not! 

1 comment:

  1. Well, I've tried every trick I can think of in Photoshop. I can clearly get "Gee, Lois" but after that it's too indistinct and low-resolution. I think there's something to do with a feminine body part, but could just as easily be "don't". While I wish that the Bleak House would have attended more to their handwriting skills, I realize that coming from me, that's ungood advice.
