Monday, January 11, 2016

Off to Live on Mars

Thanks to Sean, I was able to experience David Bowie live, in a sense; you can read about that in this 2003 post from the early days of this blog. Today I'm doubly thankful to Sean for inviting me along, as David Bowie has, I hope, ascended to a higher plane, for it's nearly impossible to believe that he's merely dead.

While I feel knowledgeable enough to critique film and prose, I consider myself a layman when it comes to music; lacking any education or research into the field, I can only say that I know what I like and I know what moves me. "Heroes" is one of my favourite singles of all time, from any artist. "Blue Jean" takes me back to the painful but thrilling days of my adolescence. "Life on Mars" and "Space Oddity" helped cement my love of the fantastic in all its forms.

There's so much more to Bowie than his singles, of course. But his popular hits resonated with me throughout my life, as I imagine they will do as long as I'm around.

I haven't yet listened to "Lazarus," one of Bowie's last releases. Here's the video; I'm about to watch it for the first time. I imagine it's probably great.

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