Monday, March 23, 2015

Kent Hehr for Calgary Centre

Kent Hehr (left), shortly after being sworn in as an MLA in 2008. With him are former Official Opposition Leader Kevin Taft (centre) and Darshan Kang, also a new MLA in 2008 and, like Kent, running for the federal Liberals in Calgary in 2015.

Many of you have noticed that I don't write much about politics anymore; it's because I was pretty burned out after my six and a half years with the Official Opposition in Alberta. But when I learned that Kent Hehr, currently the Alberta Liberal MLA for Calgary Buffalo, wants to become the next Member of Parliament for Calgary Centre, I wanted to help. Being in politics for a few years can make you a little bit cynical about politicians, but Kent really is different, and he proved that every day I worked with him. So when the opportunity arose to write a short testimonial about Kent, I was happy to oblige.

After you click that link to read about my experiences with Kent and why I think Canada will be a better place with him on Parliament Hill, I hope you'll consider donating to Kent's campaign. I donated $400 last year and I'll donate again this year.

If you care about evidence-based decision making, investing in public institutions, human rights and looking out for the little guy, I urge you to learn more about Kent and to follow his campaign - especially if you live in Calgary Centre. He won't let you down. 

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