Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Oregon Fail

A couple of friends have noted that I didn't write much about our trip to Portland, Oregon. While I enjoyed the trip, it went by so quickly that I found myself lacking a combination of time and inclination to take many photographs, something I already regret. But the truth is with our time in Portland so limited, and with the weather so hot and muggy, I found myself extremely disinclined to lug around my digital SLR. In fact, on this trip I took nearly as many photos with my cell phone as with my real camera.

There's also something to be said for just leaving some things to memory instead of trying to document every single important moment...and then missing them anyway, hidden behind your viewfinder. 

1 comment:

  1. Hear hear, it's important to be here. Or there.

    Also, the old photographer's aphorism "The best camera is the one you have" holds for this sort of situation.
