Saturday, July 05, 2014

Pointless Update

  • There is still one episode of Star Trek: Voyager I haven't seen
  • I still haven't read The Lord of the Rings
  • I still haven't analysed the title credits of Homicide: Life on the Streets
  • I still haven't finished, Fringe, Farscape or new Dr. Who
  • I still haven't reorganized my office to make better use of the space
  • I still haven't fixed the doorknob
  • I still haven't figured out what to do with my comic books
  • I still haven't made a will
  • I still haven't saved enough money to retire
  • I still haven't seen over 30 percent of the AMPAS Best Picture nominees
  • I still haven't sold my second short story
  • I still haven't written a novel
  • I still haven't gotten back down to 135 pounds
  • I still haven't travelled east of Ottawa or south of Singapore
  • But I'm lucky. 

1 comment:

  1. As long as you recognize the significance of that last point, as well as the worth of the points that precede it, you are doing well, my friend,
