Friday, June 27, 2014

Piece-Meal Review of The Lego Movie

Everything about The Lego Movie is awesome, including its subversive "Triumph of the Will"-evoking theme song and its brain-bending but perfectly logical third-act pivot. Charming, self-effacing, clever, satirical and fun, The Lego Movie is one of those rare films that offers a straightforward and positive message without embarrassment.

Oddly enough, the film for some reason endorses Sylvia's view that Green Lantern is lame, a view I don't share but seems to have become some strange pop-culture undercurrent. I always thought Aquaman was the lame one, but perhaps not...

1 comment:

  1. I was quite taken by the Lego Movie, surprised and charmed to find it was essentially a kid-friendly version of The Matrix. I felt a little bad for Green Lantern, but hey, he had his shot at movie success...
