Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Planning a Powell's Pilgrimage

One day - perhaps this summer - I would like to visit Powell's Books, the world's largest independent new and used book store. Perhaps I'll take a couple of flex days surrounding the Canada Day holiday. Who's with me? Sean? Sylvia? Jeff and Susan? Steven? I suppose that's a lot of people for one vehicle...


  1. If you mean Mr. Fitzpatrick then yo should probably spell his first name correctly: Stephen. Or so Google tells me.


  2. My brother-in-law is 100% Steven. No, wait: H. Steven.

    Regardless, the more the merrier, and we could take more than one car if we had to. Duct tape the cars together and ride them Roman chariot-style. That would give the border guards something to consider.

  3. I was in fact referring to H. Steven, as he's in Vancouver and on the way. Of course anyone is welcome to join this theoretical convoy, rocking through the night...

  4. As long as you have health care coverage. Reminds me of a trip to California that a certain couple of UofA groups ventured together in one van.
