Friday, November 08, 2013

This Week's Lesson for Myself

Never blog angry, remember your audience, get off your high horse and remember that the world is full of people smarter and wiser than you.


  1. I think that perhaps you don't give yourself enough credit. Assuming I am right about what triggered that comment, I think it was a successful post because it engaged your audience and resulted in some good discussion.

    It didn't seem to get out of hand, and I think both sides made valid points, and I personally learned something and was inspired to do more research. For me, that's pretty much an unqualified success.

  2. On those rare occasions where people are able to express themselves as articulately and passionately on a single issue as you do on a regular basis, I'm not sure you want to consider them wiser than you! Heaven knows I don't...

  3. Oh, it was a perfectly civil discussion, particularly for such a controversial topic; it's just that I never like to upset people or, worse, disappoint them. But that's the risk of writing about anything political, and besides, I think the lesson itself is still pretty good.
