Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Road Salt Rap

I was cruisin' down the street in sunny October
When it seemed as though the sunshine would last forever
I knew winter was comin' but I was in denial
Don't talk to me of snowfalls 'cause I will be riled

But I get up one fine mornin' and the first thing I see
Is snowflakes coverin' my ride and I begin to weep
The homies in the dump trucks were all out last night
Sandin' down Edmonton streets fighting the good fight
But the road salt they lay down while it's groovy with grit
Gets all up in my shoes and I'm so sick of it

Yeah I got the winter blues
I got the winter blues
I'm so [bleeped] sick of all the rocks in my shoes
I know that this complaint is all ancient news
But I am gonna be heard, I'm gonna share all my views

The sanding trucks say stay back at least 10 metres
But if I leave that empty gap it will fill up with cheaters
Who will then curse your name when the road salt hits
And fills their tailgatin' windshields with a starfield of chips

Ohhhhh I got the winter blues
I got the winter blues
I love Edmonton but the snow makes me puke
In the summer you won't find yourself a better home
But we should cover it up with a winter-proof dome

Heyyyy I know that winter gives us Christmas and the Oilers
But all that oil sands oil is burnin' in our boilers
So I propose we turn our planet right upside-down
And turn the capital city into a southern town

Our new council and mayor are extremely progressive
So I hope they'll stop and listen to my road salt rap message
Don't use that property tax to sand all up in our streets
Just turn our face to the south and you'll please all us peeps

I got the winter blues
I got the winter blues
Ain't gonna put up with no more road salt in my shoes
I hope that Braid or Climenhaga will spread the good news
That there's an alternative to road salt in our shoes

1 comment:

  1. Snow fall warnings, that's enough to drive you to bad poetry. Keep warm Earl!
