Thursday, November 28, 2013

10,000 Page Views!

Sometime between 9 and 10 p.m. last night The Earliad crossed the threshold of 10,000 page views in a single month for the first time. I'm pretty excited by this milestone, even if a certain percentage of the hits are almost certainly spambots, judging by the junk comments in my spam folder.

When I started this blog back in 2003, I envisioned a hardcore readership of perhaps a dozen friends and family members. I'm gratified that there's a larger audience than that for my silly nonsense, and I'm very thankful to anyone who stops by to visit. I like making people feel good, and if any of the photos or articles posted here are entertaining, I'm delighted.

Oddly enough, this is my 1,705th post - not quite as poetic as 1,701 would have been, but close enough - 1705 is the Excalibur's registry number, which is still very cool.

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