Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Could Fantastic Four be the Next Star Trek?

Deadline reports that Marvel has an ambitious plan to bring more of its characters to television. While this report only specifies one possible show, I hope Marvel is considering a new Fantastic Four series. If done right, such a series could fill the empty space left by the absence of Star Trek.

Consider the fundamentals of each story:

Star Trek features a tightly-knit group of adventurers exploring strange new worlds in time and space.

The Fantastic Four are a tightly-knit family exploring strange new worlds in time and space.

Star Trek's characters can be defined by their logic (Spock), leadership (Kirk), heart (Bones), youthful exuberance (Chekov), grace under pressure (Uhura)...

The Fantastic Four are defined by logic (Mr. Fantastic), leadership (Mr. Fantastic again), heart (the Thing), youthful exuberance (the Human Torch), grace under pressure (the Invisible Woman)...

Star Trek's colour palette consists of the bright primaries of the early colour television era.

The Fantastic Four's colour palette consists of the bright primaries of mid-twentieth century printing technology.

Star Trek's characters face colourful, larger-than-life villains such as Trelane, the Klingons, Khan, V'Ger, the Doomsday Machine...

The Fantastic Four face the Mole Man, Galactus, the Skrulls, Dr. Doom...

Star Trek's strange new worlds include the Guardian of Forever, the shore leave world, Yonada, the great barrier at the edge of the galaxy...

The Fantastic Four has encountered the Microverse, the Negative Zone, the Blue Area of the Moon...

Frame a Fantastic Four series in the Star Trek mold and add the FF's inherent family drama and I think you could have a real winner. I'd certainly watch.

1 comment:

  1. As fun a choice as comics' First Family could be (and in alit of ways they are more suited to TV than film), I doubt Marvel will want to distract from the FF movie reboot.

    My preference would be for Daredevil (superhero courtroom drama!), She-Hulk (another!), Heroes for Hire with Luke Cage and Iron Fist (action/comedy) and Runaways (youth adventure). They could even set Heroes for Hire in the '70s if they wanted to.
