Sunday, July 21, 2013

From Cairo to Cape

Ever since I first heard about the concept, I've been fascinated by the never-completed Cape to Cairo railway project. Today, on a whim, I decided to see if it's theoretically possible to drive from Cairo to Cape Town, and to my surprise Google Maps claims the feat is indeed possible, though it would take a staggering 165 hours to complete the nearly 11,000 km journey.

Of course that assumes you can get all the travel visas you need and have an incredibly durable vehicle that can make it through the many unpaved sections, not to mention river crossings. I think I'd probably only want to do this in a custom iteration of the Batmobile. I imagine it would be a spectacular trip, though.


  1. A guy I know did it via 4x4 and public transport. This guy did up and down along the coasts via motorbike.

  2. You have the most interesting friends, Andrea. That's awesome.

  3. You're one of them remember.

  4. I hadn't thought of it that way. Thanks, Andrea!
