Friday, June 07, 2013

Project Burger Baron

While on my way to Bonnyville yesterday I spotted a Burger Baron as we passed by Lamont. I've always been fascinated by the Burger Baron phenomenon; no one seems to know how the chain started, menus across the quasi-chain are wildly different, and the restaurants themselves are often in disrepair.

And yet Burger Baron provides wonderful comfort food with often outstanding service. Knowing that the chain is restricted to western Canada, I thought a travelogue of Burger Barons might serve as an ambitious but achievable long-term project.

As seen on the map above, Burger Barons are concentrated in Alberta, spanning the breadth and width of the province. There are also locations in Kelowna, Regina and Prince Albert.

Here's my plan: over the course of the next five years or so, I'll visit, review and photograph each and every Burger Baron. I also hope to provide some sociological insight: what kind of communities support Burger Baron? In what kinds of neighbourhoods do Burger Barons thrive?

I'm hoping that Sean, Sylvia (who shall be named the Burger Baroness in these reports) or some of my other friends will accompany me on most of these road trips, particularly the ones that involve long drives. I think it could be a great way to explore some far-flung communities.

Next weekend I'll visit one of the Edmonton Burger Barons to begin this culinary odyssey. Hold the mayo, extra cheese!



  2. Gadzooks! Well, the project remains useful and interesting on a personal level, anyway.

  3. Be sure to try the Belvedere BB (is it still in business?) and the Cromdale BB. Those experiences alone should give you terrific sociological data.
