Thursday, June 27, 2013

Escape Plan: Better Late Than Never

Like any guy who grew up on a steady diet of cheesy 80s action films, I've long regretted that Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger never teamed up for one big testosterone-fuelled epic of mayhem and machismo. (The disappointing The Expendables doesn't count.) Escape Plan might be good or it might be terrible, but at the very least this new trailer sets up a workmanlike, efficient premise that puts Arnie and Sly together as allies at last. Their combined charisma will be worth watching even if the rest of the movie is dreck - but as a bonus, the movie features some of my favourite character actors from The Wire, The Office, Person of Interest and other television shows.

Plus the line "You hit like a vegetarian" is exactly the sort of cheesy dialogue I so adored back in the 80s. That alone will get me to the theatre when this is released.

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