Sunday, April 28, 2013

3 Men in a Boat

A few random frames from an educational filmstrip that might have existed in an alternate 1970s. In reality, Mom took a few pictures of Dad, Sean and I on a couple of fishing trips on the Suwanee River near Leaf Rapids. I imagine fishing up there hasn't changed much, although perhaps everyone brings their cell phones on the boat, and maybe a GPS. Or maybe not even the cell phones - I don't seem to remember having coverage up there when Sean and I last revisited the place.

I have several vivid memories of our summer fishing trips, but the one that stands out most is the time the boat was racing along and I decided to reach out and try to pick a cattail as we passed by. That's how I learned why grass leaves are called "blades." I failed to pick the cattail, but the friction of my hand against the razor-sharp edge of the grass gashed open my palm quite efficiently. 

Don't forget to click to embiggen!

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