Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Day the Saucers Came

I was sitting on a mountaintop the day the saucers came
I was posing for a photo that in retrospect seems lame
But I grabbed my laser rifle and I carefully took aim
To send the saucers home

Glory, glory golly gee whiz
Glory, glory golly gee whiz
Glory, glory golly gee whiz
We'll send the saucers home

I was caught in the command post when the heat ray burned it down
I was dragged outside to safety by a servant of the crown
And when the flames subsided there was nothing left of town
But we gathered up our pistols and we fought another round
To send those monsters home

Glory, glory golly gee whiz
Glory, glory golly gee whiz
Glory, glory golly gee whiz
We'll send those monsters home

On the sixteenth day of battle we flew into outer space
The alien invasion had jump-started our space race
We let fly the blaster cannons and we put them in their place
The aliens ran back home

Glory, glory golly gee whiz
Glory, glory golly gee whiz
Glory, glory golly gee whiz
The aliens ran back home

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