Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tony's Tirade

One of the things I love about my friend Tony is his complete lack of inhibitions. Back in the early 90s Tony seemed to be riding a constant sugar rush - and no wonder, since I witnessed him dumping six or seven packets of sugar into his iced tea on more than one occasion. I'm not sure what he's doing in this picture, but if I had to guess he's probably mocking Hitler, who certainly deserves eternal derision. Of course, once again I'm missing all the action by reading when I should be paying attention to my surroundings.

These days, Tony is an important contributor to The Paltry Sapien. Check it out - he's always finding important and interesting material, typically much more topical than this meandering blog.


  1. That has got to be one of my favourite Tony pictures and poses. I kind of think you may have posted this picture elsewhere in your blog, but it deserves its showcase.

    I can almost recall the circumstances behind the picture, but Hitler-mockery is basically what I remember, too. This looks like Sue's old apartment.

    Whatever the shenanigans, Tony was then and is now a brilliant person. You had many, many inhibitions back then; me too. Tony had a knack of breaking all of that down, in a very good way. Drifting apart and moving away seems to me to be the most ignoble end possible to all of that.

    Paltry Sapien is a heavy-duty project, for sure. Like you say, much more focussed and topical than most other blogs out there. I find it well-written and for lack of a better word, very "bitey".

  2. Thanks Jeff. That means a lot. You and Earl, Susan, Steven, and Ron were and are people I greatly admire ... we may not be in each other sphere's of influence these days, but you, all of you, are never far from my thoughts.
