Saturday, January 05, 2013

Apple Computer Lab November 1985

Here I am in November 1985, during a computer class in grade ten. The newly-renovated and expanded Leduc Composite High School featured a computer lab stocked with Apple IIes, complete with floppy disc drives and dot-matrix printers. I don't recall the exact name of the entry-level course offered at the grade ten level - I think it may have simply been "Computers 10" or "Computer Sciences 10." At any rate, I remember it as being a fairly easy class that left me with enough free time to play The Kobayashi Alternative, an early Star Trek adventure game written by Diane Duane, one of the best of the Star Trek tie-in novelists. And yes, we played Oregon Trail too. Perhaps this explains the mediocre grade I received when I completed my one and only university level computer course...

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