Monday, November 05, 2012

Swag from 2112

Today the postman delivered my Tweets from 2112 prize package - the officially listed grand prize of a new iPod Touch, but also a copy of Robert J. Sawyer's newest book and - the big surprise - a really lovely Canada Writes leather-bound notebook, which, oddly enough, pleases me most of all. While I'm thrilled with the other two prizes, I certainly could have bought them on my own (and in the case of the book, I would have). But the notebook makes a better memento, and I'll use it to outline my entry for next year's Canada Writes short story contest.

Unfortunately, I inadvertently broke my promise to enter this year's contest. Despite Neil's reminder, the due date simply crept up on me and by the time the contest entered my consciousness I was already up to my ears in freelance deadlines. No excuses next year!

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