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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tweets from the Future

Today CBC ran a one-day contest on Twitter, asking folks to send tweets backward in time from the year 2112. Robert J. Sawyer will judge the various entries and announce the winner on Halloween. Win or lose, this was a fun little contest. Here are my entries:

Earl J. Woods @EarlJWoods
Sentient Internet 7.0 hijacks time machine, trolls 2012 Twitter with "fake" tweets from the future that are actually real

Earl J. Woods @EarlJWoods
Canada apologizes to Oort cloud after being struck by comet

Earl J. Woods @EarlJWoods
Commander of CFS Alert complains bikini-clad tourists distracting soldiers; world's #4 beach destination brings record crowds
Earl J. Woods @EarlJWoods
First Canadian immigrant to Mars colony complains "Even with terraforming the weather here is worse than Winnipeg in January"
 Earl J. Woods @EarlJWoods
After century of effort, GM chimp finally writes one line of Shakespeare (I knew him, Horatio) on obsolete Twitter app
Earl J. Woods @EarlJWoods
Alberta Progressive Conservative dynasty ends at 141 years; surprise loss to RedGreen coalition blamed on high AI turnout


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