Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tweets from 2112: The Surprise Ending

Well, that was unexpected. I posted earlier this week about the the Canada Writes Tweets from 2112 contest, elated to make the long list (twice, as it turns out). I even joked at the time that I thought my Oort cloud tweet was funnier...

And, as it turns out, so did the judge, Robert J. Sawyer himself, naming that tweet the winner from among the hundreds submitted nationwide. As a fan of Sawyer's since The Terminal Experiment, this is a real thrill for me!

The announcement and winning tweet are here; my interview is here.

I hate to resort to a horrible cliche, but I really did not expect to win, especially given the quality of so many of the tweets. I'm very grateful to Bob Sawyer, CBC and Canada Writes for the recognition. Oh, and for the iPod Touch, too, and Sawyer's new book!


  1. Congrats! A well-deserved honour for a great writer and a die-hard sci-fi fan.

    (but you should really thank the Academy, lol)

  2. You've done a man's work, sir!

    (And I totally called it!)

  3. Way to go, Earl!

    "I remember way back in the day, I was there (almost) when it all started with a tweet, an Oort Cloud, and Robert J. Sawyer."

    #OneOfEarl'sFriendsHeadsWhoLive PreservedInBigJarsNow,ThanksBeToEarl

    - Tweet from 2113
