Monday, October 22, 2012

Pulling the Planet

Sadly the lead story in this issue of World's Finest doesn't live up to the promise of this amazingly dynamic cover, wrought by Neal Adams unless I miss my guess. Sure, it's ridiculous on the face of it - imagine the damage done by the giant clamps locked into the continents - but wow, there's a cover sure to capture every kid's attention at the drug store. Later on Neal did an even better version of this image, featuring a similar Superman-in-harness getup, but aided by a bunch of other DC heroes.

1 comment:

  1. Super Genius Blog ReviewerSunday, November 03, 2013 2:13:00 am

    This is by far the best comic-book based thing ever made. Everything else made after this is just pure crap. Why even bother trying to continue?
