Thursday, August 16, 2012

U Can't Touch U Thant

Now listen up homies 'cause I have a little rant
Waging war and peace is no mere accident
When it comes to building bridges and making plowshares
U can't touch the man with the Burmese stare

No U Can't
Touch U Thant
Secretary-General of United Nation peace plant

When Dag's plane went down in the fall of six-tee-one
The General Assembly said U is the only one
So U's in the big chair and in charge of the situation
With a mission to bring peace to all divided nations

When the Russkies and the USA start talkin' smack
U Thant smacks them down and says put those missiles back
And when brothers kill brothers down in the Congo
U Thant puts the hammer down and says this can't go on no long-o

No U Can't

Touch U Thant

Secretary-General of United Nation peace plant

Listen up homies United Nation represent
U Thant welcomed all to his peace and freedom tent
So give up your respect to the man with one name
'Cause in Burma U means Mister and Thant earned it all the same

No U Can't

Touch U Thant

Secretary-General of United Nation peace plant


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