Saturday, August 04, 2012

A Sign of Bad Composition

Just as I was finishing Grade 12, Leduc Composite High School sent a group of students to Drumheller for a biology field trip. When the trip was over, I asked someone - I don't remember who - to take a photo of the group. Can you see what's wrong with this picture? I didn't, not until I developed the film. (That's me on the right, in the purple jacket, by the way.)

The sign at the centre of the frame is blocking two kneeling students. Argh! I'm sure this was my reaction when I received the prints:
Strangely enough, I shot a group photo myself which wound up being used in the Leduc Representative. Of course I'm not in that shot; I was shooting. I don't have that one scanned, and now I'm almost afraid to look - did I make the same mistake? To be continued...

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