Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Earlvengers

Many years ago - when Ronald Reagan was still President of the United States - I found myself in the possession of a blank Avengers ID card. I told myself back then that one day I'd paste in my picture and signature. Twenty-four years later - at least! - the task is complete. For authenticity I used a Reagan-era photo of myself, though about as late in his presidency as possible.

This was a good exercise in document restoration and using layers in Photoshop. The original card was pretty beat up, with badly faded text and colours. I've cleaned it up a little, but not completely, in order to retain a little of the card's weathered look.


  1. You're looking rather smug in that photo.

  2. You'd look smug too if you'd just been given full security clearance!

  3. Neat-o Photoshop work. I bet the before pic looked like a rag. Back in the day, the thing would likely been set up with real cut and paste. The logo would probably have been hand-drawn, with either photocopy assist or maybe a CAD to keep the letters in line. Or maybe just a talented draught.
