Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wanderlust 2012

Despite last year's somewhat disastrous trip to Alaska, I'm already feeling the urge to drive somewhere new. Here are some places I may go:
Portland, Oregon, because it's the only west coast state I haven't visited, and because I don't remember Seattle all that well.
Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, because, well, it's Mount Rushmore and probably looks pretty cool.
And finally, Chicago, Illinois, because I've never been that far east in the USA and because I could attend the 70th World Science Fiction Convention. And see Lake Michigan. Alternatively, I could take a little more time and visit Mount Rushmore on my way to Chicago...

I'll have to see what Sylvia thinks. I have a feeling she might prefer to fly somewhere. Maybe I can convince her to go see the space shuttle Enterprise at its new home in New York City...


  1. Going to the Black Hills in South Dakota is pretty cool. Was a cool road trip as a kid. Lots of things to see along the way, and around there.

    Can tour an Air Force Base with B-52s, B-1s, and an old ICBMs silo.

    In the Black Hills themselves, there are lots of crazy things, like a gold rush town with gambling that is surrounded by open pit mines, the Crazy Horse Memorial, the Wind Caves, the Jewel Caves, Devils Tower, the Mammoth Site, and Wall Drug.

  2. Thanks Kyle! Lots of good options there - I'd love to see an old ICBM silo, creepy as it would be. And Devil's Tower, of course!
