Friday, April 13, 2012

Map of the Dead: Edmonton and Leaf Rapids

What will you do when the dead rise from their graves? I've always feared that I would die within the first few minutes of a zombie apocalypse, but thanks to Map of the Dead I feel a little better prepared. Simply type in your home address to discover zombie danger zones and the locations of your community's supply depots.

The map is a little thin - Edmonton certainly has more malls than indicated, and my own dental clinic is missing - but it's certainly a fun idea. Here's a closer look at my vicinity:
West Edmonton Mall would be a great place for supplies, but it's also a danger zone, and for good reason; crammed with tourists by the thousands, the mall could be a death trap.
On the other hand, Leaf Rapids, Manitoba, is nearly bereft of supplies, but with a tiny population there wouldn't be that many zombies anyway.

1 comment:

  1. "EleJeffrey, Dear Data"Friday, April 13, 2012 4:37:00 pm

    I say the Costco is your best bet. Every one of them has no windows and cement walls, plus strong doors. It's filled with food (the the US, also booze and guns). If there are rage zombies, yoy can hang out in the rafters or gain roof access for a while.

    Of course, if the outbreak is Level 4 or higher, it does not matter what you do, you're just rolling dice with God. That, and if you aren't a Costco member, you are definitely SOL. Keep up your membership!
