Thursday, February 09, 2012


I never thought it possible, but CBS (who now owns Star Trek on TV), is in the process of remastering Star Trek: The Next Generation in high definition - a Herculean editing task, because while ST:TNG was shot on film, it was edited on low-definition video. That means each episode's elements have to be re-edited together, recomposited, the whole shebang.

A sampler disc has been released, including three episodes: the pilot, "Encounter at Farpoint," "Sins of the Father" and "The Inner Light." I watched the pilot tonight, and it looks spectacular. The six-foot Enterprise-D miniature has never looked more beautiful, and the image is uniformly sharp and vibrant. For a Trekkie like me, it's like watching a brand new show; little details once too blurry for the naked eye now stand out in sharp relief, offering a familiar yet new and exciting experience.

CBS will release the entire first season this year, with seasons 2-7 coming at a rate of about two seasons a year. I can't wait to enjoy one of my favourite shows all over again.  


  1. If you sold off your old ST:TNG discs sometime in the future, we would likely take them, should you ever want to do that.

  2. Sorry Jeff - they found a new home on Saturday night.

  3. "When The Jeff Breaks" (a)Wednesday, February 15, 2012 2:29:00 pm

    Well, $#%&.
