Saturday, January 14, 2012

Megacity Zero Point Five

On December 31, Sylvia and I ventured to Las Vegas' newest megamillion-dollar development, City Centre. Situated at the midpoint of Las Vegas Boulevard, this massive shopping/dining/casino/hotel complex sports an extremely futuristic look that made me feel as though I'd stepped a decade or two ahead in time. The Aria Express tram seen here links the various sections of the complex. Here are some more views, shot from within the tinted blue glass of the tram:

1 comment:

  1. This is astounding. There's no people in your photos, so I wanted to ask you about the scale. I was thinking this was some kind of interior forced-perspective model. An Internet search shows that this thing is full-size, and people live, work, and play there. All that's missing are flying cars. And sanity, perhaps.

    Still, 100 years from now, will it all look dated? Knowing how fast architecture is replaced in Vegas, I'd be surprised if it lasts 50. By way of example, try to find any of the landmarks in the "Diamonds Are Forever" film that survive today.

    I found an interesting article on CityCenter in Bloomberg. They are very pessimistic about the thing, pointing out that house prices in Vegas have fallen a massive 50% in recent times. Will CityCenter make things better or worse? I am sure that it will all work out by the time I visit there in full Rick Deckard costume, emerging from my aircar to snap pictures of black replicants with my favourite camera, the fully-functional Gigapixl-Lytro.
