Saturday, December 31, 2011


About a year and a half ago, my friend Amanda mentioned a study she'd heard about claiming that resolutions stood a better chance of being completed if they weren't talked about. So a year ago today, I silently resolved to blog once a day during 2011. With this post, I have completed that goal, despite the interruptions of three long-distance trips.

Not every post was a heartbreaking work of staggering genius, but I think a few entries were worthwhile. When I have access to a computer again, I'll post a list of my favorites.

Since I started posting daily, traffic to this blog has increased dramatically, and I'm grateful to every reader who has stopped by. Thank you for spending some time here, and thanks especially to those who have left comments - many of which are funnier or more insightful than anything I've written here.

Happy New Year, and may you and yours enjoy peace, prosperity, health and happiness in 2012.


  1. Thanks for both the quantity and quality of your posts. I feel you have become a better blogger, and maybe we have become a better, ummm... blogger audience?

    So what's your plan for the blog for 2012?

  2. You totally shocked me by telling me that you decided to write every day. Sure, you blogged every day. I just didn't know for sure if you were aware of it.

  3. It was planned, and a test to see if silent resolutions worked any better than shared ones. In this case, at least, it worked out. I haven't made the same pledge this year because 2012 is certain to be an election year, and I have a feeling my blogging will be interrupted for about a month this spring. That being said, anything can happen.

    Of course, quality is just as important as consistency. Plenty of 2011's posts were filler, particularly during those times I was out of the country and blogging at a distance, distracted by my travels. I avoided some of that by posting in advance or setting up placeholder posts to be filled in later; sometimes it worked well, sometimes not. And 2012's computer issues have certainly stalled me thus far...

    Still, I'm happy with how the blog has developed thus far. Perhaps I'll start to actually work out a theme this year.

  4. Earl
    I hate to bring it up but you mentioned a couple times on the Blog that you were attempting to blog everyday. I remember it and I also remember talking about it with you. So .....?

  5. It's certainly possible I might have mentioned in passing that I was attempting to blog daily, probably midway through the year after it became obvious to the audience that's what I was trying to do. The point I was trying to make - badly, apparently - was that I didn't announce my intentions New Year's Resolution style on January 1.

    Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself; I contain multitudes. :-)
