Monday, November 07, 2011

Todd on Vocals

I didn't know Todd Chrunik very well at all; in fact, even now I know him chiefly as "the guy who replaced me as lead singer." But I do remember being a little intimidated by Todd's charisma and talent. The guys made the right choice; Todd had the look, the range and the power to belt out heavy metal lyrics. I only met Todd a few times, and I don't remember hanging out with him, but I do remember that he never failed to be kind and friendly to me on the few occasions we interacted. Todd was a cool guy. I have no idea what happened to him after high school, but I hope he found success and happiness.

By this point the band had changed their name to Kashmir, and it was under that name that they won the Edmonton-area Battle of the Bands in...oh, 1986 or 1987. Like many high school bands, Kashmir dissolved after high school, but for five or six years I was lucky enough to dip my toe into the waters of music.

Yesterday an anonymous commenter asked me to explain the point of posting these memories. If there's any point at all, it's this: many of my memories are pleasant, many are not, especially those formed from experiences in my teens and twenties. But the memories are mine, and I treasure them, and writing about them makes the memories clearer. And should any of my old high school friends stumble upon this blog, I want them to know they were valued, I admired them, and I feel privileged to have known them. There are no insignificant people; there are no insignificant stories. The music of my memories may be ephemeral, but I plan to keep the songs alive as long as I can.

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