Thursday, October 13, 2011

Duly Noted

Many moons ago, I served as Executive Assistant for the Western Board of Music, a charitable institution that organized music exams for students of piano, drums, woodwinds, brass, etc. I answered many phone calls and took plenty of messages for my boss, Leslie. To amuse myself I sometimes overdramatized some of the more banal calls, as seen above; the student pictured needed to postpone his exam due to a minor injury.

I think the funniest part is Leslie's matter-of-fact note, neatly scrawled in red. Like all of my coworkers (and friends) over the years, she quickly grew accustomed to my eccentricities and learned not to encourage me.


  1. I resent the *hell* out of the idea that I don't encourage you in your eccentricities! Outliers like you make my existence in the mainstream possible.

    Maybe "enable" is a better choice of words...

  2. "We've All Been Jeff Before"Friday, October 14, 2011 8:27:00 pm

    Now that you point it out, in no way is Earl even close to being wealthy enough to be "eccentric". If he was, he would have bought much more art by now.

    Rich people are eccentric. Poor people are just weird.

  3. Amazing that you still have this! And I'm not sure that I learned not to encourage your eccentricities. Sometimes I just didn't know how else to respond. :)

  4. Though on further reflection, I recognize that I make a very good straight man.

    Urm, perhaps that's not quite what I mean...
