Wednesday, September 07, 2011

The Near Miss

From out of the fog it leapt
Belching smoke and spitting flame
White-knuckled fists wrenched the wheel
to starboard
Soul-windows flung wide in app'red hension
Blood-squirters racing in heaving torsos
Wheelrubbers skidding
Air/food pipes yowling
Nether-caves burping in fight-or-flight panic

Actually it was just their imagination


  1. Maybe if you weren't trying to take a picture of yourself while driving (now a $172 fine) you wouldn't lose control.

  2. And a well-deserved fine it would be, had I indeed been driving! We were actually just getting settled into the car after a meal at the Crepery.

    Although I wonder if, as in the drunk driving legislation in some jurisdictions, it doesn't matter if the car's been started or not - if you're drunk (or distracted), you're guilty.

    Thankfully for those who feel the urge to photograph and drive, there are now safe solutions such as dash cams or the GoPro HD system, which I've been thirsting after for some time.
