Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Right Side of the Tracks

On Wednesday I documented my first trolley car ride in several years. When I learned that the Edmonton Radial Railway Society had a second car, newly restored to 1912 condition, I had to return for another trip. Here's Streetcar No. 33, the product of 17 years of restoration work. It's a work of art, inside and out. Here's a collection of images of the new car:
Period filament light bulb!
The trolley is running until 10 pm during the Fringe and stops right in the heart of the festival, so there's no better time than now to toss a doubloon into the fare box!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is some amazing restoration work, and some great photos Earl. We took the trolley to the Old Strathcona Farmers Market a couple of years back and really enjoyed it; I hope your evocative posts inspire more people to explore this fun piece of Edmonton's history!

  3. That is a real fancy trolley, it is so beautiful inside and out. Your pictures really showed it off.

  4. Funny story this trolley got into an accident on Friday afternoon. Some idiot didn't pay attention to the crossing near the Fringe and got slammed by this trolley. No damage to the trolley but the car has a nice dent in it. Some people...

  5. No way! That is crazy. Thank goodness the trolley wasn't hurt. Or, er, any people.

  6. It appears that Earl enjoys regaling us with vintage trolly adventures, you could say he has a streetcar named desire.
