Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jumpin' Jasper

Jasper Pizza Place creates really delicious pizza.
On our way home from Sunwapta Falls, Sylvia and I enjoyed a brief stop in Jasper, where we met with our friends Michael and Naomi and their three delightfully rambunctious children, plus some new friends. Great pizza and plate-smashing were enjoyed by all! I've read some articles claiming that social media tools such as blogs and Facebook harm real-life relationships, but in this case social media made a very pleasant get-together possible.

The weather was absolutely perfect for a walk down Jasper's main drag. I scored a couple of sweet tin posters and a wall-mounted Coca-Cola bottle opener. Retro!
Parks Canada does a great job of maintaining Jasper's historic feel. I love little nooks and crannies such as this.
I was delighted when we ran into Jasper's statue. Does anyone but me remember the old Jasper cartoon strip?
Of course there was one strange sight...
Is that...?
Yes, it's a pair of shoes, hanging from a power line in one of Jasper's back alleys. Left there by Spring-Heeled Jasper, no doubt.


  1. Jasper is such a nice place, you had a great weekend to go. I love that Jasper bear, had a little bear statue from the gift show when I was a kid.

    This summer we too met a couple in person that we had only met online playing wow. They were an awesome couple that we met up with in Seattle and had a lovely dinner with. Friendships can be made on the Interweb : )

  2. Did you notice they moved Jasper the bear? He used to be by the train station but apparently he was being defaced. Pretty sad.
