Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cereal Spiller

Some days it's just not worth getting up in the morning.


  1. I just tried the chocolate cheerios. Meh...I think I like my chocolate and cheerios at different times. I will stick to the honey nut : )

  2. "You've got Tide in my Cheerios!"

    "You've got Cheerios in my Tide!"

    On the news next month:
    "Tragic events in Edmonton as a suicide cult apparently ingested Cheerious laced with detergent. Locals are mystfied at this occurance, 'They were such quiet people...'"

    For Tammy: Count Chocula. The only true and proper cereal with chocolate.

    I haven't eaten cereal in years, though, after kicking a nasty habit I had at University with Cap'n Crunch Crunchberries (once named the unhealthiest cereal ever produced). Love those 1970's-era cereals with the Jay Ward-inspired cartoon mascots!
