Wednesday, June 01, 2011

U2 Will Enjoy Concerts, Earl

I have a funny relationship with concerts; generally I prefer the sound of studio albums over live performances. I've only been to a handful, always at the request of a friend or significant other, and yet I've enjoyed myself each time despite my initial reluctance.

In 1991, I saw the Crash Test Dummies play at the Edmonton Fringe Festival. I don't remember much about the music, but I do recall what a beautfiul night it was, and getting an enthusiatic holler from across a crowded street from an old high school friend who spotted me with a real, live girl on my arm.

In 2006, Sylvia and I attended Canada Day celebrations at Commonwealth Stadium. The Barenaked Ladies put on a fine performance laced with humour.

Earl tries to get into the headbanging spirit.
Earlier this year, I accompanied a group of friends to see German metal rockers Rammstein. While the music isn't my cup of tea, I did enjoy the pyrotechnics.

And tonight Sylvia and I will join 65,000 people at Commonwealth to enjoy U2 - not one of my favourite bands, but they've crafted a few tunes I enjoy. According to sources in the know, that would make it the largest outdoor concert event ever held in Edmonton. If nothing else, it'll be something to be a part of that!

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