Friday, May 27, 2011

Connecting with Albertans

Here's a very slick new video from the Official Opposition that introduces the Alberta Liberal Caucus' new approach to social media. Our website, Twitter and YouTube pages now have a uniform look and feel, and our outgoing Public Affairs Coordinator Andrew Fisher has done a remarkable job of increasing the Official Opposition presence in the Twittersphere.

If you look closely at the video, you'll see cameos from my colleagues Kim and Andrew, who are busily tapping away on their iDevices; Andrew is leaning against the Legislature, Kim is relaxing on the grass. They look like movie stars! Or at least television stars.


  1. Hey Earl. I watched the video (twice) and while it looks great I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.

    It doesn't say anything about AB Liberal values; it doesn't ask me to vote for them. It doesn't show me anything about politics, policies or even personality.

    I assume the Party wants me to do something or feel something after watching this. I wasn't moved to do or feel anything.

    Perhaps I'm over thinking this because I'm reviewing new branding and advertising strategies for my work. Making a connection seems to be key to any strategy.

  2. Well, the point is at the end, and it's pretty straightforward: check out the new look of our website, connect with us on twitter and facebook.

    Later videos will speak to values, policies etc.

  3. Earl I am with Jackie.
    If this was an ad for a media outlet, great or a communications company great. It makes me feel good but feels hollow.


  4. Wow, tough crowd! Well, we'll keep trying. Maybe people will like the next one.

  5. Am I too late for the party?

    I also don't think the video hits the mark. I figure an ad should be like a sentence: it should at least have a subject and a verb. This video like like a sentence made completely with adjectives. Shiny, slick, Alberta-y.

    Without the audio, and there isn't much of that, and without the text, I would have guessed that your ad was a propoganda piece for Apple. Is the subject of your video Dr. Swann? In Earl's own words, "Dr. Swann never really connected with voters". It seems to me he makes a strange choice for a figure who is supposed to connect the Liberals with Alberta. If I did not know what Dr. Swann looked like, I would not have any idea who or what the focus of the video would be.

    As for unsolicited advice, for the next ad I would reccommend ginning up some simple storyboards and having a focus group look at them. It's pretty obvious that the folks in the control room know how to edit video, as the cuts look great. I think they should be responsible for increasing the content, though. Yes, poor editting can wreck a presentation, but great editting seldom sells the show by itself. I would consider a greater emphasis on subject content next time.

  6. Am I too late for the party?

    I also don't think the video hits the mark. I figure an ad should be like a sentence: it should at least have a subject and a verb. This video like like a sentence made completely with adjectives. Shiny, slick, Alberta-y.

    Without the audio, and there isn't much of that, and without the text, I would have guessed that your ad was a propoganda piece for Apple. Is the subject of your video Dr. Swann? In Earl's own words, "Dr. Swann never really connected with voters". It seems to me he makes a strange choice for a figure who is supposed to connect the Liberals with Alberta. If I did not know what Dr. Swann looked like, I would not have any idea who or what the focus of the video would be.

    As for unsolicited advice, for the next ad I would reccommend ginning up some simple storyboards and having a focus group look at them. It's pretty obvious that the folks in the control room know how to edit video, as the cuts look great. I think they should be responsible for increasing the content, though. Yes, poor editting can wreck a presentation, but great editting seldom sells the show by itself. I would consider a greater emphasis on subject content next time.

  7. "Elaan Of Jeffius" (a)Monday, May 30, 2011 4:02:00 pm

    That doublepost was strange, and not intentional. Sorry about that, Chief!
