Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Trek to Timmins, Part Three

Read Part One
Read Part Two

I'm sorry to say that Sylvia's grandmother passed away on Sunday morning. In the hopes that her family will find solace in each other, I present the best of the rest of the photographs I shot when Sylvia and I visited Timmins.
Sylvia's cousin Jason and his son Nathan, who amused me by hopping up and down with his fists in the air yelling matter-of-factly, "I puked! I puked!"
Sylvia's Uncle Lloyd, Uncle Mark (AKA "Babs") (youngest of the Boucher children, only a year older than Sylvia), Uncle Richard and Aunt Mitch.
Avery on the phone with Donald Duck, while Aunts Celine and Mitch and cousin Ashley giggle.
Uncles Lloyd and Mark and Aunt Mitch.
Timmins is Orange Wave country.
Uncle Tommy and Sylvia at the hospital.
Diva Sylvia grew up in this trailer park. Perhaps this was even her trailer.
The Windsor, where Shania Twain played before she was famous.
Now she's famous and has a museum devoted to her exploits.
The most futuristic architecture in Timmins.
To celebrate the 65th birthday of Uncle Leo, the Bouchers assembled at The Fish Bowl, filling half the restaurant. Here are Uncle Richard and Aunt Mitch.
Avery and Devlin sit in the cool section.
Misbehaving Aunts Celine, Lise and Claire.

On the day before we left, we managed to squeeze in a lunch with Sylvia's childhood friends, the Losiers.
 Sylvia and the daughter of the Losiers, Lynne Bourque.


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