Wednesday, March 09, 2011

To Your Health, Ryan Gordey

Today the Alberta Liberal Caucus bids farewell to longtime health researcher (and regular blog reader!) Ryan Gordey, a stalwart fellow I'm very pleased and gratified to have worked with since 2008.

Even more so than ghostwriters, researchers toil in obscurity doing critical work without the general public ever realizing it. A caucus researcher helps prepare questions for Question Period, writes voluminous bill briefings to help MLAs prepare for debates in the legislature, drafts policy, provides support for all kinds of communications activities, attends stakeholder's a long, daunting list of tasks, and I've always been impressed by the tenaciousness and skill of our researchers. I really believe I've worked with the best of the best, and Ryan certainly stands tall among them. Communications people may help their clients sound good, but researchers make sure that public figures always have the relevant facts at hand. I couldn't do my job without them, and I'm profoundly grateful.

Thanks for three fun years, Ryan. And if any other former Alberta Liberal researchers ever read this blog, I hope you know that my thanks and admiration extend to you as well.


  1. Thank you very much Earl, this is really appreciated. All I have to say in response is that it never ceased to amaze me how much high quality work you manage to put out yourself. You've managed to save my skin several times by cranking out news releases, speeches, members statements etc from either a quick conversation, a couple points in an email, or a hastily thrown together issue brief. You've always been able to take what I say (incomprehensible as it can sometimes be) and some how turn it into something the public can relate to. It has been a pleasure working with you, and we have to stay in touch.
    At the very least you know I'll be reading your blog!
    Plus I now have a glowing reference if I ever want to google myself and this shows up!

  2. Aw, thanks Ryan (and Anonymous)! I look forward to hearing of your further adventures.
