Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Night at the Improv

Last night Tanara, Kim and Andrew (seen here next to Sylvia) insisted that we accompany them to see a night of improv at the Varscona Theatre, just off Edmonton's Whyte Avenue. I'm glad they did, because not only are Sylvia and I struggling against our natural tendencies to become homebodies, it also happened to be a really fun show.

Improvisation is a hit-or-miss art form. Depending on the nature of the necessary audience interaction and the talent of the performers, the results can range from brilliant to painful. There was a little of each last night, but the best moment happened when one performers managed to construct a hilarious rap song about his dead mother.

The nature of improv leads to absurd situations that would never occur in real life, so naturally I'm a fan of the form. In fact, Sylvia and I have even talked about pursuing improv as a hobby in the past, and the director's announcement that Rapid Fire Theatre holds improv workshops is certainly tempting. I used to be pretty good at it in junior high school...

1 comment:

  1. "Is There No Truth In Jeffty?"Saturday, March 26, 2011 7:14:00 pm

    There's your next New Year's resolution, and you never knew it. For sure try out one of those improv workshops! You would kill at it, kill, kill, kill, kill!

    A company I worked for sent their management cadre to one of these things as a team-building exercise. They came out of it much meaner, though, definitely not funnier. I guess that's a bad example.
