Monday, March 21, 2011

Ad Attack

This kind of political ad - seen a couple of weeks back at the corner of 109th street and Jasper - drives me crazy.

No, it's not the attack on the Tories I object to, nor the acid-laced "humour."

It's the misplaced apostrophes! (Or should I say "apostrophe's?") As used on this billboard, the two instances of the word "MLAs" are clearly meant to be plural, not possessive. The apostrophes shouldn't be there at all! The Edmonton Stickmen have enough money to buy expensive ad space, but apparently they can't afford a proofreader. Just because Microsoft Word  puts a red squiggle under something doesn't mean it's wrong, people.


  1. Thankfully that ad is gone now.

    I think it was terrible in many ways. Does the average Albertan even know what Bill 36 is? I think these Stickmen fellows wasted a bunch of money...

  2. Yeah, not exactly the timeliest post - I'd forgotten I snapped the photo until I ran across it by accident tonight.

    When you live and breathe politics, it's hard to get a real feel for what most people are concerned about. I know a lot of landowners are pretty upset about Bill 36, and the Official Opposition opposed it pretty vigorously, but is it a concern to most folks? I'd like to see a poll ask that question...

  3. Who is this Seah person?

    (Damn typos.)

  4. That's my first problem with politics.
    There is so much more that's wrong with it, but the idea of getting into power brings out some attack mentality that goes beyond what I would consider appropriate in someone I want governing me.
