Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thanks, Neil

I've been very lucky to have had some excellent supervisors who I also consider friends: Leslie Vermeer, Bruce Keith, the Hole family, and now Neil Mackie, until recently Communications Director for the Alberta Liberal Caucus. I've worked with Neil for almost two years; it's always been fun, challenging, and full of great learning experiences.

Thanks for a great couple of years, Neil. It's been a privilege.


  1. Nicely said, Babe.

    All the best to Neil.


  2. Alas, the Libs won't be able to build upon any platforms, all for the wont of a Neil.

  3. Rumour has it that the Libs are hiring Terence Stamp to be the new Communications Director, and to that extent, Earl's supervisor.

    "Earl, what's it been like working for the Liberals under the Communications Director?"

    "Well, for a long time there, it was Neil before Zod."

  4. I'm annoyed only because I didn't think of these terrible puns myself.
