Saturday, January 22, 2011

Going Off the Rails

In 1983, my drama class created a music video for Ozzy Ozbourne's heavy metal hit "Crazy Train." Our interpretation was somewhat literal; we pretended to be on a train, and at the appropriate moment we went off the rails, going crazy. I'm at the far right, looking away from the camera.

I desperately wish I had a copy of the video. I apparently had the foresight to label the photo, though: in the shot with me are Kelly Newman (far left, raising chair) Darren last name unknown (also hefting chair), Sherry Thompson (blonde closest to camera), Marshall Smith (behind Sherry), Neil Zastre (behind Marshall), and Angela Mandrich (the blonde in front of me).

I have no idea what any of these folks are doing nowadays, but if any of you stumble across this blog and have a copy of the video, I'd love to chat and get a duplicate.

I also wish I could remember our drama teacher's name, for it was he who suggested that I audition for an acting role in a CBC pilot about divorce. I read for the part, but I wasn't chosen; instead, the producers asked me to serve as one of the co-hosts. That, however, is another story...

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