Tuesday, December 21, 2010

All the Colours of Christmas

 Sylvia and I aren't into Christmas as much as some other folks, but we do both enjoy a few aspects of the holiday: the music, the lights, the chance to get together with friends and family, the decorations. Since we now have a fireplace, we thought we should get into the holiday spirit by sprucing it up a little.
Here's a closeup. Sylvia and I picked out the decorations together, but I assembled this particular tableau. I think it looks pretty cozy. Had I realized that the train actually moves before setting everything up, I would have assembled the whole track so that the train could move through the forest. Next year...
Sylvia decorated the tree. At first I was skeptical regarding the copper/bronze colour scheme, but I have to admit Sylvia's choices won me over. It even matches our wall and floor. I'm sure that this is related to graphic design somehow. Maybe my Christmas ads don't have to be exclusively red and green.

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