Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Swann Season's Greetings

Christmas is still a month away, but Christmas ads have to be completed now to appear in holiday publications. Here's a quick ad I created for David Swann. That's an awful lot of red...I probably should have added a gradient. Still pretty yang, too. And maybe I went overboard with the snowflakes. But sometimes deadlines are pretty short, and you do what you can with the time you have. Hopefully David's message still comes across. 


  1. I wonder if the expression isn't perhaps a little bit stern for a holiday greeting...

  2. You could easily use Photoshop to invert Dr. Swann's mouth. That would turn the frown upside down.

    (advice is to be used for comedic purposes only, do not take internally)

  3. An interesting pose - it comes across to me initially as a dictator looking out over the masses but then on reflection it is a man in deep thought looking outwards if that makes any sense.

    Regardless I like the overall package. (And i am not even a liberal :))
