Monday, November 08, 2010

Podium Sign

As a graphic designer I make a pretty good writer, but I think I'm slowly improving, thanks mostly in part to what I learned from Jeff Shyluk last year. Neil asked me to design a sign for the front of our podiums, something that would add a bit of visual appeal to our news conferences. Originally I included our website address and added David's name to the artwork of his face, but they cluttered the design a bit without adding much value in the particular context of news conferences. (Plus, the text would be too small to read anyway.)

The original is 23 x 8 inches; the font is Myriad Pro. I played with Photoshop filters to change a professional photo of David into something approximating art. I added a drop shadow to the slogan to punch it up a little; you may not be able to see it unless you click to embiggen.


  1. I wonder if Stephen Colbert will be happy when he finds out that you're using his image.

  2. I think it looks very good...


    Seriously though, well done.

  3. The only thing that is missing is the twinkling glint in the eye, and the little automatic "ding" sound you hear with said glint.
